

新収蔵作品 おひろめ展


飯沼英樹《Irresistible Instinct》2009年
上條信山《臨 張猛龍碑》1943年
宮島詠士《南無大慈大悲観世音菩薩 南無八幡大菩薩》
会期 2017年4月6日(木) 〜 2017年7月23日(日)
会場 常設展示室B




1 郷土出身の作家、松本にゆかりのある作家及び関連する美術資料等

2 松本を中心とした信州の自然、風土、歴史に関する美術資料等

3 山岳をテーマとした国内外の美術資料等

4 音楽にちなんだ美術資料等

5 その他、教育委員会が必要と認めた美術資料等



In this exhibition, we have added works from four artist that were added to the museum’s collection in 2016.

One of the roles of this publicly owned art gallery is to gather and preserve works of art. Matsumoto Museum of Art uses the five criteria below to systematically and continuously build its collection. Since we opend in 2002, we have collected over 20,000 works and items.

1.The works of local artists, or artists with a special connection to Matsumoto and the local area

2.Works relating to the nature and history of Shinshu, particularly Matsumoto

3.Works from Japan and around the world with a mountain theme

4.Works associated with music

5.Other works that the Board of Education judges to be important

The collection of art works is also intended to pass valuable culture on to future generations. We hope that people today can enjoy works of beauty that have been passed down from our predecessors, as well as those being created by contemporary artists.